Learning to Be Happy For Others

by Julie Lucia

by Julie Luca

“Oh, I am so happy for you.” Have you ever said this and almost sarcastically mumbled these next words under your breath?  “No, that’s great, really.”

Do you sometimes find yourself frustrated by your own stagnant path to breakthrough and while you wait, about nine people you know have great tales of breakthrough in their own lives? It’s hard isn’t?  You were happy for the first two, and then the third and fourth person called you and made you feel now inadequate and depressed.  By the time you scroll down to the eighth and ninth person, you realize they were the first two who suddenly got an even bigger breakthrough. Oh, now you are really excited for them, right?

You should be!  Because you want your own special breakthrough on God’s perfect timing.  Don’t settle for anything less!  Because then it’s not the best!

I have a friend who is exactly what you think of when you think of a mom. She bakes the best desserts, she sews her children’s costumes, she is extremely creative, and she even has a soft motherly voice. Her dream is to own a bed & breakfast and she fits the description to a tee!  She is a kind and friendly person that would make everyone feel welcome into her home. I love that about her, and although I would love to take lessons from her for all the above, I treasure her unique qualities God has given her. I don’t envy them.

It is the same for all my dearest friends who are also authors or screenwriters, I rejoice when good things happen to them. I want them to succeed. I love to learn from their experiences and being excited for their successes is part of it. When Amy won first place in the Karios Movie Guide Awards, you would have thought I won it. I was so extremely happy for her! I know how hard she worked and all the frustration she went through to get to that moment. I was so proud of her and still am! It is always exciting to be a part of something so wonderful.

We should not compare ourselves to others, but remember that are gifts and talents are unique, our situation is unique, and our DNA is unique! God has something planned especially for you!  Made perfectly for you!

It’s okay to be happy for others, really it is! There is a place for all of us to succeed! And if your not your friends’ biggest fan, then who are you? (I would say not really a friend.) Let’s be excited for others, because hey, guess whose turn is next? Yours! And wouldn’t it be great to have that friend as your biggest supporter and fan now?

Galatians 5:26 Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.

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